Gomarduli Dao Space Events

Plan in advance. Be on time. Enjoy.

"Wild" Women's Retreat
May 6-12

To be wild is to be free. An easy, relaxed, high on yourself and life as a woman.

The retreat is dedicated to:

Your body, the deepest relaxation, the restoration of a woman's resource. Awakening of healthy sexuality, ease and freedom to be Yourself

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Female Dance Camp
May 16-19

FEMALE DANCE CAMP is the first dance camp for girls in the mountains.

the camp includes thematic parties, master classes, lectures, hiking in the mountains, women's community.
dance program for 4 days for beginners and continuing dancers in dancehall, high heels, hip hop, strip.

special weekend trips for those who have never danced or just started with the author's program base of body
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"Wild" Women's
Weekend Retreat
May 31 - June 3

To be wild is to be free. An easy, relaxed, high on yourself and life as a woman.

The retreat is dedicated to:

Your body, the deepest relaxation, the restoration of a woman's resource. Awakening of healthy sexuality, ease and freedom to be Yourself

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Kundalini Yoga Retreat
May 31 - June 3

Daily immersion in the practice of yoga, meditation, pranayama and mantra chanting with two teachers. Kundalini yoga is the most powerful and fastest of all, so you can be completely reborn in three days and then immediately use this energy in your life.

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Swing that Chill
Summer Camp
June 13-17

We are a swing dancing school based in Tbilisi. Our main goal is to spread the joy of jazz music and swing dancing, by creating a warm and open community of people from all around the world. At “Swing that Chill” summer camp we hold classes during the day and in the evenings dance our feet off at the parties! Anyone can join us with a minimum experience of dancing (3+ months of classes will be enough).
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Way Home
Coaching retreat
June 17 - 22

Georgia, mountains, air, sun, silence, laughter of those who understand you without words, mindfulness practices, body practices. And boundless love.

This time the axis of the retreat will be the theme of SOUL STATUS on the summer solstice.

This retreat is created just for that non-random group of people who happen to gather at it, and that may be the most important part of the retreat itself!

We are allowing this retreat to happen for 18 people.
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Children's camp
June 24 - July 7

Dear Parents!

We really encourage your children to catch frogs, grasshoppers and bears (to identify them, show them to others and let them go!), to pick flowers (to extract anthocyanin pigments from them) and strawberries (just to eat them), and also to walk (looking carefully around!), to make chemical experiments and prepare scientific reports!

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Pro Move
Dance camp for women
July 7-13

Girls, what are we doing? 🤫 We are studying the connection with the body, doing mfr, stretching, creativity, learning sexy feminine choreography and recording a beautiful video at the waterfall as a keepsake, organizing a bath evening and squad candles, as in the camp, in childhood...

We are waiting for you, take a plaid and make yourself comfortable by our fire 🫶🏼.

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AHAM Meditation Retreat Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

8-day Immersion

July 15 - 23

Aham Retreat is a unique transformative process where you practice some of the most profound methods of the VBT. Through the methods you can awaken your perception of Reality and ignite your capacity to weave all opposite energies and forces within you. It is a unique opportunity to unfold your ability to enter the space of Hridaya, the Supreme Heart where everything is Consciousness.

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Voice Festival
July 30 - August 5

An international festival of voice, music and movement among the mountains and forests of picturesque Adjara!
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Sufi Dance Camp
August 5-9

El Haddawi is a school for dance, theater, movement art and self-development. Working at the "interface between bodywork, performing arts, martial arts, creativity and spirituality, we imparts movement in the broadest sense.

The school was founded by Ingo Taleb Rashid and it has deep roots in the Ancient Eastern traditions.

Its base is Movement Concept®, a practical educational training system.

check it out

Playback Theatre Camp
August 10 - 18

You’ll remember Playback Camp forever and it will absolutely change your life… it will transform you completely and, in return, the development of amazing new features. You will see.It’s a field where we can meet and create open dialogue and a microcosm of the world we live in.
A multicultural and intersectional crossroad of the Global Playback Theater community.
Together, we can grow in our interconnection and examine our hearts for who we really are… to connect our values with what we do and co-create.
check it out

Sillent Jam
Contact Improvisation Gathering
September 23-29

S I L E N T is the annual contact improvisation gathering that unites people from all over the world, starting in 2018.

During the week, people practise contact improvisation without saying a word. All classes and intensives take place in silence.
check it out
Wanna bring your event here?
We are the only retreat center in Georgia and we have everything organisers might need:

  • various food options
  • space for 110 people - 60 in the rooms and 50 in glamping Dao
  • 3 spaces for practice - 100, 200 and 300 sq.m.
  • remote quite place with the good road
  • 2 quality sound systems (up to 2,5 kWt)
  • projector, colour printer, digital piano
  • yoga mats and blankets
  • transfers and excursions
  • Good internet connection
  • Up to 120 kWt of electricity
  • 12,8 hectares of land
  • Small ski lift

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